Apostolia is a Christian Orthodox magazine of spirituality, edited by the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe (Paris, France). It is published monthly, in Romanian (RO), English (En), and French (Fr).
The Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe has published for 15 years straight, Foaia Sfantul Ioan Casian – Venerable Jahn Cassian Paper, as the official publication of the diocese. Starting with April of 2008, Foaia Sfantul Ioan Casian – Venerable Jahn Cassian Paper became the “Apostolia” magazine, an authentic missionary magazine with 64 colored A5 pages, published monthly, with diverse content, in order to offer in detail, many church life aspects, withing the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe, and to be accessible to both clergy and intellectuals of Western and Southern Europe.
Apostolia magazine is a large and diversified project, fully adapted to the pastoral conditions of Western and Southern Europe. In addition to the vast contribution offered within our Metropolis, or within the widespread pan-Orthodox society from Great Britain and Western Europe (through the English and French editions), through the intense collaboration between the dioceses/parishes and through the unveiling of the Romanian Orthodox Church life in the West, Apostolia also creates a much-needed bridge of connection, between the Romanians living in this part of Europe, and their families in Romania.
In essence, the magazine is for all those that have interest – clergy or laymen – in the church life of Romanians everywhere, in general.