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NEPSIS, which in Greek means “sober” or “to be awake” is the generic name of various associations and groups of Orthodox youth in the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe (MOREOM). As an Orthodox youth movement under the guidance of the Metropolitan Synod of MOREOM, NEPSIS stands as one.

However, for practical and administrative reasons, NEPSIS constitutes a “fraternity”, primarily within the five dioceses of MOREOM (Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Western and Southern Europe, Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Spain and Portugal and the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Ireland and Iceland), and second within local boundaries, in each country, region, city or parish. Thus, it is, for example, «NEPSIS UK» – for the gathering of youth from Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Orthodox Youth Association (NEPSIS) was initially established on November 13, 1999, and the British branch on February 28, 2010, at the initiative of His Eminence Iosif, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western and Southern Europe (MOREOM).

The Federation of NEPSIS Fraternities has the purpose to establish unity and proper communion among the NEPSIS groups in Western and Southern Europe, mainly organizing the annual Congresses: 2009 – Paris, France; 2010 – Rome, Italy; 2011 – Madrid, Spain; 2012 – London, UK; 2013 – Brussels, Belgium; 2014 – Lisbon, Portugal; 2015 (the NEPSIS MOREOM Congress did not take place); 2016 – Rome, Italy; 2017 – Dublin, Ireland; 2018 – Paris, France; 2019 – Gran Canaria, Spain; 2020 – Bern, Switzerland; 2024 – London, UK, in the new Saint George Archdiocesan Cathedral. In addition to these annual Congresses, numerous local events, trips, workshops, sports and charity events, training courses, multiple pilgrimages in Europe, an annual pilgrimage in Romania, as well as other international events are organized within MOREOM.