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This month has 31 days
The day has 10 hours and the night 14 hours


1. (†) The Circumcision of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; †) St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and his mother, St. Emilia (The New Year Service of Thanksgiving; Fast Free)

2. The Forefeast of the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; St. Sylvester, Bishop of Rome; Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

3. Holy Prophet Malachi; St. Gordios the Martyr

4. Synaxis of the 70 Holy Apostles; Venerable Theoctistus from Sicily, Nikephoros the Leper, and Apolinaria

5. Holy Martyrs Theopemptus and Theonas; Venerable Syncletike of Alexandria (Eve of the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – Fast day)

6. (†) The Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Theophany Fast Free)

7. † Synaxis of John the Holy Glorious Prophet, Baptist, & Forerunner (Fish Allowed).

8. Venerable George of Hozeva; Venerable Domnica

9. St. Polyeuctus the Martyr; St. Peter, Bishop of Sebastes

10. Holy Hierarch Gregory of Nyssa.†) Venerable Antipas of Calapodesti; St. Dometian, Bishop of Melitene

11. Venerable Theodosius the Great (Cenobiarch); Venerable Vitalis

12. Holy Martyrs Tatiana of Rome and Euthasia.

13. † Holy Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus of Singidunum; St. James, Bishop of Nisibis

14. X) Leave-taking of the Baptism of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raitho; St. Nina, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Enlightener of Georgia

15. X Venerable Paul of Thebes and John the Hut-Dweller.

16. X Veneration of the Precious Chains of Holy Apostle Peter; Holy Martyr Danax the Reader

17. ) Venerable Anthony the Great; Venerable Anthony the New Wonderworker, of Veria

18. St. Athanasios the Great and Cyril, Archbishops of Alexandria

19. X Venerable Macarius the Great of Egypt and Macarius of Alexandria; St. Mark, Metropolitan of Ephesus; Holy Virgin Martyr Euphrasia

20. ) Venerable Euthymius the Great; Holy Martyrs Inna, Pinna, and Rimma; St. Euthymius the Martyr

21. Venerable Maximus the Confessor; St. Nephytus the Martyr, St. Agnes the Martyr

22. X St. Timothy the Apostle of the 70; Venerable-Martyr Anastasius of Persia.

23. X Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra; St. Agathangelus the Martyr; Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 6th Ecumenical Council

24. Venerable Xenia, Deaconess of Rome; St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, Fool-for-Christ (Service of Thanksgiving)

25. ) Holy Hierarch Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople; †) St. Bretanion, Bishop of Tomis

26. †) St. Joseph the Merciful, Metropolitan of Moldova; Venerable Xenophon, Maria, Arcadius and John

27. Removal of the Relics of John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople

28. X Venerable Ephraim the Syrian; Isaac the Syrian; Palladius and James the Hermit

29. Removal of the Relics of St. Ignatius the God-bearer; St. Philotheus the Martyr.

30. (†) Synaxis of The Three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom; Hieromartyr Hippolytos, Bishop of Rome

31. X St. Cyrus & John the Unmercenaries



This month has 28 days (In the Leap year it has 29 days)
The day has 11 hours and the night 13 hours


1. The Forefeast of the Meeting of the Lord; St. Trypho the Martyr; St. Perpetua and Felicity the Martyrs

2. (†) The Meeting of the Lord (Fish Allowed)

3. X Holy and Righteous Symeon the God-Receiver and the Holy Prophetess Anna

4. Venerable Isidore of Pelusium; Hieromartyr Abramius

5. St. Agatha and Theodula the Martyrs

6. St. Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna, and Photius the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Barsanuphius the Great and John of Gaza

7. St. Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsacus; Venerable Luke of Elada

8. X St. Theodore Stratelates, the Great Martyr; Holy Prophet Zacharias

9. Leave-taking of the Meeting of the Lord; St. Nicephoros the Martyr

10. ) Hieromartyr Haralambos; St. Valentina the Martyr

11. St. Blaise the Holy Martyr of Sebastia; St. Theodora the Empress

12. Holy Hierarchs Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch; Holy Martyr Christos the Gardener

13. Venerable Martinian of Palestine; St. Aquilla and his wife Priscilla, the Apostles; St. Eulogios, Patriarch of Alexandria

14. Venerable Auxentius, Maron and Abraham.

15. St. Onesimus the Apostle of the 70; Holy Martyr Major

16. Holy Martyrs Pamphilus the Priest and Valens the Deacon: St. Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople

17. X St. Theodore Tyro, the Great Martyr; St. Mariamne; Holy Emperors Marcian and Pulcheria

18. St. Leo the Great, Bishop of Rome

19. Holy Apostles Archippus, one of the 70

20. St. Leo, Bishop of Catania; Venerable Bessarion the Great

21. Venerable Timothy of Bithynia; St. Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch

22. Uncovering of the relics of the Holy Martyrs at the Gate of Eugenius at Constantinople

23. Hieromartyr Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna; Venerable Gorgonia

24. The first and second finding of the Venerable Head of St. John the Baptist

25. St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople

26. St. Porphyrius, Bishop of Gaza; Holy Great Martyr Photine, the Samaritan Women

27. Venerable Procopius the Confessor and Thalelaeus

28. Venerable Basil the Confessor

29. †) Venerable John Cassian and Germanus of Dobrogea (During non-leap years, their commemoration is being done on February 28th)



This month has 31 days
The day has 12 hours and the night 12 hours


1. Holy Virgine Martyr Eudokia; Venerable Domnina

2. Hieromartyr Theodotos, Bishop of Cyrenia; Holy Martyr Hesychius

3. Holy Martyrs Eutropius, Cleonicus, and Basiliscus

4. Venerable Gerasimus of Jordan; Holy Martyrs Paul and his sister Juliana

5. Holy Martyrs Conon of Isauria and Conor the Gardener; Venerable Mark the Hermit

6. Holy 42 Martyrs of Amorion; Finding the Holy and Precious Cross by St. Helen the Empress

7. Holy Hieromartyrs, Efrem, Bishop of Tomis, Basil, Eugene, Capito, Aetherius, Agathodorus, and Elpidius, Bishops of Cherson

8. †) Holy Priest-Martyr Liviu Galaction of Cluj; St. Theophylact the Confessor, Bishop of Nicomedia

9. Holy 40 Martyrs of Sebastia

10. Holy Martyrs Codratus, Cyprian, Dionysius, and their Companions

11. Holy Hierarch Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem

12. Venerable Theophanes the Confessor; Holy Hierarch Gregory the Great (Dialogist), Bishop of Rome; Venerable Symeon the New Theologian

13. Removal of the Relics of Saint Nicephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople

14. Venerable Benedict of Nursia; Holy Martyr Alexander, the Priest

15. St. Agapius, Publius, and Timolaus, the Martyrs

16. St. Sabine the Martyr of Egypt; Venerable Christodulus the Wonderworker of Patmos

17. Venerable Alexis the Man of God 18. Holy Hierarch Cyril, Archbishop of Jerusalem

19. Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, Claudius and Hilaria; Holy Martyr Marian the Deacon

20. Holy Fathers slain at the Monastery of St. Sabbas

21. Holy Hierarchs James the Confessor and Thomas, Patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Serapion

22. Hieromartyr Basil, the Priest from Ancyra; Holy Martyr Drosida, the daughter of Emperor Trajan

23. Venerable Martyr Nicon and his 199 Disciples

24. X Forefeast of the Annunciation of our Most Holy Mother of God; Saint Artemon, Bishop of Seleucia

25. (†) Annunciation of our Most Holy Mother of God;(Fish Allowed if not for Holy Week)

26. X Leave-taking of the Annunciation; Synaxis in honor of the Archangel Gabriel; Martyr Montanus, the Priest, and his wife Maxima; Holy 26
Martyrs in Gothia

27. Holy Martyr Matrona of Thessalonica; Holy Martyrs Philetas, his wife Lydia, and their 4 sons

28. Venerable Hilarion the New, Abbot of Pelekete, and Stephen the Wonderworker

29. Hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusa and Martyr Cyril the Deacon; Holy Martyrs Jonas and Barachesius; Saint Diadochos, Bishop of Photike

30. Venerable John Climacus; Saint Eubula, mother of Saint Panteleimon

31. Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra; Holy Martyr Benjamin, the Deacon



This month has 30 days
The day has 13 hours and the night 11 hours


1. Venerable Mary of Egypt; Venerable Macarius the Confessor; Saint Gerontius the Martyr; Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina

2. Venerable Titus the Wonderworker; St. Amphianos and Aedesios the Martyrs of Lycia

3. Venerable Nicetas the Confessor, and Illyrius

4. Venerable Joseph the Hymnographer, George of Maleon and Zosimas

5. Holy Martyrs Victorinus and his Companions; St. Theodulos and Agathopodes, the Martyrs

6. † Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium; St. Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Gregory of Sinai; Venerable Platonida

7. St. Calliopus the Martyr; St. George the Confessor, Bishop of Mytilene

8. Holy Apostles of the 70: Herodion, Agabus, Rufus, Asyncritus, Phlegon, and Hermes; St. Celestine, Bishop of Rome

9. Holy Martyr Eupsychius; Venerable Vadim

10. Holy Martyrs Terence, Pompeius, Africanus, Maximus, and Dimas

11. †) St. Callinicus of Cernica, Bishop of Ramnic; Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

12. †) Holy Great Martyr Sabbas the Goth from Buzau; St. Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Parium

13. Holy Priest Martyr Artemon; Holy Martyr Eleutherius of Persia

14. †) Holy Hierarch Pachomius of Gledin, Bishop of Roman; St. Martin the Confessor, Pope of Bishop; Holy Martyr Thomais

15. Holy Apostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus; St. Crescens the Martyr

16. St. Agape, Irene, and Chionia, the Martyrs

17. Hieromartyr Symeon, Bishop of Persia

18. Venerable John, disciple of St. Gregory of Decapolis

19. Venerable John of the Ancient Caves; Hieromartyr Paphnutius of Jerusalem

20. Holy Hierarch Theotimus, Bishop of Tomis; Venerable Theodore Trichinas

21. Hieromartyr Januarius, Bishop of Benevento; Holy Martyr Alexandra the Empress

22. St. Theodore the Sykeote, Bishop of Anastasiopolis

23. †) Holy Great Martyr George the Trophy-Bearer; St. Valerius the Martyr

24. †) St. Elijah Iorest, Sabba Brancovici and Symeon Stephan, Metropolitans of Transilvania; St. Joseph the Confessor, Bishop of Maramures; Holy Martyrs Pasicrates and Valentine; Venerable Elizabeth

25. X) †) The glorifying of the Syriac Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God from Ghighiu Monastery; Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark; †) Venerable Basil from Poiana Marului

26. Holy Martyrs Cyril, Chindeu, and Tasie of Axiopolis (Cernavoda); Hieromartyr Basil, Bishop of Amasea; St. Glaphyra

27. X Holy Apostle Symeon, Brother of the Lord, Bishop of Jerusalem

28. Holy Apostles Jason and Sosipater, of the 70; † Holy Martyrs Maximus, Quinctilian, and Dada of Ozobia

29. Holy Nine Martyrs from Cyzicus; Venerable Memnon

30. X) Holy Apostle James, son of Zebedee



This month has 31 days
The day has 14 hours and the night 10 hours


1. Holy Prophet Jeremiah; Venerable Martyrs Euthymius, Ignatius and Acacius; St. Tamara; Venerable Isidora

2. X †) St. Athanasius III (Patellarios), Patriarch of Constantinople; Removal of the Relics of St. Athanasius the Great; Saint Matrona of Moscow

3. †) Venerable Hilarion of Lainici; Holy Martyrs Timothy and his wife Moura

4. Holy Virgin Martyr Pelagia; Saint Monica

5. Holy Great Martyr Irene; Venerable Ephraim the New Martyr

6. Holy Righteous Job the Long-suffering; Holy Martyrs Barbarus

7. Commemoration of the Precious Cross that appeared in the sky over Jerusalem; Holy Martyrs Acacius and Quadratus

8. )Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian; Venerable Arsenios the Great

9. Holy Prophet Isaiah; St. Christopher the Martyr; Translation of the Relics of Saint Nicholas from Myra to Bari

10. X) Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot; †) Venerable Kallistratos of Timiseni and Vasiova

11. Holy Martyrs Mocius the Priest; Holy Hierarch Cyril and Venerable Methodius, Enlighteners of the Slavs

12. †) Holy Martyr John the Valah; St. Epiphanius, Archbishop of Cyprus and Germanos, Patriarch of Constantinople

13. Holy Martyr Glyceria; St. Sergios the Confessor

14. St. Isidore the Martyr of Chios; Hieromartyr Therapontus, Bishop of Cyprus.

15. X †) St. Jacob Putneanul, Metropolitan of Moldova; Venerable Pachomius the Great

16. †) Venerable Silas, Paisios and Nathan from Sihastria Putnei; Venerable Theodore the Sanctified

17. Holy Apostles Andronicus and his wife Junia; Venerable Nectarius and Theophanes

18. Holy Martyrs Peter, Dionysius and Paulinus

19. Hieromartyr Patrick, Bishop of Prusa, and those in Companion

20. Holy Martyr Thalleleus; Venerable Thalassius; Sf. Lydia of Philippi

21. †) Holy Great Emperors Constantine and his mother Helen, Equal-to-the Apostles

22. Holy Martyrs Basiliscus and Marcellus; Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 2nd Ecumenical Council

23. St. Michael the Confessor, Bishop of Synnada; St. Mary the Myrrhbearer, wife of Cleopas

24. X Venerable Symeon of the Wonderful Mountain

25. The third finding of the Precious Head of St. John the Baptist

26. Holy Apostles Carpos and Alphaeus, of the 70; Holy Martyrs Abercius and Helen

27. Holy Martyr Julius the Veteran; Hieromartyr Helladius, Bishop in the East, and Therapont, Bishop of Sardis; Saint John the Russian and Confessor

28. Holy Hierarchs Eutychius, Bishop of Mytilene, and Niketas, Bishop of Chalcedon

29. Venerable Martyr Theodosia; Hieromartyr Olbian, Bishop of Anaea;

30. Venerable Isaac the Confessor and Barlaam, the Monk of Caesarea

31. Holy Martyrs Hermias, Eusebius and Haralambos



This month has 30 days
The day has 15 hours and the night 9 hours


1. Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher and his Companions

2. †) Holy Great Martyr John the New of Suceava; St. Nicephorus the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

3. Holy Martyrs Lucillian, Hypatius and Paula

4. †) Holy Martyrs Zoticus, Atallus, Camasius, and Philip from Niculitel;St. Metrophanes, Archbishop of Constantinople; Holy Myrrh-bearers Mary and Martha, sisters of St Lazarus

5. Hieromartyr Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre

6. Venerable Hilarion the New, Abbot of the Dalmatian Monastery; Venerable Bessarion

7. Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Ancyra; St. Zenaida the Martyr

8. † Holy Martyrs Nicander and Marcian; Removal of the Relics of Holy Great-martyr Theodore Stratelates

9. X St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

10. Hieromartyr Timothy, Bishop of Prusa; St. Alexander and Antonina, the Martyrs

11. X Holy Apostles Bartholomew and Barnabas; St. Luke, Archbishop of Crimea; The glorifying of the Axion estin Icon, of the Most Holy Mother of God

12. X Venerable Onuphrius the Great and Peter of Mount Athos

13. Holy Martyr Aquilina; St. Triphyllius, Bishop of Leucosia in Cyprus

14. Holy Prophet Elisha; St. Methodius the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople

15. Holy Prophet Amos; † Holy Martyr Hesychius of Durostolum; The Blessed and Righteous Father Augustine and Jerome

16. †) Hieromartyr Neophyte the Cretan, Metropolitan of Wallachia; St. Tikhon, Bishop of Amathus in Cyprus

17. Holy Martyrs Manuel, Sabel, Ismael, Innocent, and Felix

18. Holy Martyrs Martyrs Leontius, Hypatius and Theodoulos; Venerable Erasmus

19. X) Holy Apostle Jude, the Brother of the Lord; Venerable Paisios the Great

20. Hieromartyr Methodius, Bishop of Patara; St. Kallistos I, Patriarch of Constantinople; Venerable Nicholas Cabasilas

21. Holy Martyrs Julian of Tarsus and Aphrodisius

22. †) St. Gregory the Teacher, Metropolitan of Wallachia; Hieromartyr Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata

23. St. Agrippina the Martyr; Holy Martyr Aristocleus the Priest

24. (†) Nativity of St. John the Baptist, the Forerunner; Translation of the relics of St. John the New of Suceava; †) St. Nicetas,
Bishop of Remesian

25. Holy Virgin Martyr Febronia; Holy Martyr Orentius and his brothers; St. Libya the Martyr

26. Venerable David of Thessalonica; St. John, Bishop of Gothia

27. Venerable Sampson the Hospitable; St. Joanna the Myrrhbearer

28. X Translation of the relics of the Holy Wonderworking, Unmercenaries and Martyrs Cyrus and John

29. (†) Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Apostles Peter and Paul (Fish Allowed)

30. Synaxis of the Holy, Glorious, and All-Praised 12 Apostles;†) St. Gelasius of Rimet, Archbishop of Transylvania



This month has 31 days
The day has 14 hours and the night 10 hours


1. †) St. Leontius, Bishop of Radauti; Cosmas & Damian of Rome, the Holy Wonderworking Unmercenaries

2. X) Deposition of the Precious Robe of the Most Holy Mother of God in Blachernae; ) Holy Right-believing King Stephen the Great; St. Juvenal, Archbishop of Jerusalem; Holy Hierarch John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco

3. Holy Martir Hyacinth; St. Anatolius, Archbishop of Constantinople

4. St. Andrew, Archbishop of Crete; Venerable Martha

5. Venerable Athanasius of Mt. Athos; Venerable Lampadus

6. †) Venerable Dometius the Merciful of Ramet; Venerable Sisoes the Great; Holy Virgin Martyr Lucy of Rome; Holy Martyrs Marius, his wife Martha and their sons, Audifax and Abachum

7. St. Kyriaki the Great Martyr; Venerable Thomas of Mt. Maleon; Hieromartyr Evangelicus, Bishop of Tomis

8. †) Holy Martyr Epictetus, the Priest, and Venerable Martyr Astion; Holy Great Martyr Procopius and his mother Theodosia the Martyr(Wine
and Oil Allowed)

9. †) The glorifying of the Wonderworking Icon of our Most Holy Mother of God of Neamt Monastery; Hieromartyrs Pancratius, Bishop of Taormina

10. Holy 45 Martyrs at Nicopolis in Armenia

11. X St. Euphemia the Great Martyr; St. Olga, Equal-to-the-Apostles, the Princess and Enlightener of Russia

12. †) The glorifying of the Wonderworking Icon of our Most Holy Mother of God – Prodromita, of Mount Athos; Holy Martyrs Proclus and Hilary; Venerable Michael Maleinus; St. Veronica; Venerable Paisios the Athonite

13. † Translation of the relics of Venerable Demetrius the New to Bucharest; Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel; Venerable Stephen the Sabaite; Holy Martyr Mary, of Persia, Venerable Sarra

14. Holy Apostle Aquila of the 70; Holy Martyrs Justus and Heraclius; Venerable Nicodemus of Mt. Athos

15. X Holy Martyrs Cyricus and Julitta; St. Vladimir, Enlightener of Russia

16. Holy Hieromartyr Athenogenes, Bishop of Heracleopolis, and his 10 disciples; St. Julia the Martyr

17. X Holy Great Martyr Marina; St. Euphrasius, Bishop of Ionopolis

18. †) Holy Martyr Emilian of Durostolum; Venerable Pambo

19. Venerable Macrina the Younger, sister of St. Basil the Great; Venerable Dius; The Uncovering of the Relics of Venerable Seraphim of Sarov

20. †) Holy Prophet Elijah the Thesbit

21. †) Venerable Raphael and Parthenius of Old Agapia Monastery; Venerable Symeon, the Fool-for-Christ, and John the Hermin; Holy Prophet Ezekiel

22. †) Holy Confessor Priest Elijah Lacatusu; Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene; Venerable Marcella the Martyr

23. Translation of the Relics of Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope; Hieromartyr Apollinaris, Bishop of Ravenna; St. Vitalius and Valeria, the Martyrs

24. X St. Christina the Great Martyr; Holy Martyr Hermoge

25. X) The Dormition of Holy and Righteous Anna, Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God; Holy Fathers of the 5th Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, year 553; Holy Deaconess Olympias and Virgin Martyr Eupraxia

26. †) Venerable Ioannikios the New of Muscel; Hieromartyr Hermolaus at Nicomedia; Martyr Paraskeva of Rome;

27. Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

28. Holy Apostles of the 70 and Deacons, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, and Parmenas; Venerable Paul of Xeropotamou

29. Holy Martyrs Callinicus, Benjamin, and Mamas; Holy Martyr Theodota and her three sons

30. Holy Apostles of the 70 Silas, Silvanus, Crescens, Epenetus, and Andronicus; Hieromartyr Valentine, Bishop of Interamna

31. X Forefeast of the Procession of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord; Holy and Righteous Eudocimus; Holy and Righteous Joseph of Arimathea (Last day before the Fast of the Dormition Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God)



This month has 31 days
The day has 13 hours and the night 11 hours


1. X) Procession of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord; The Holy 7 Maccabee brothers (Beginning of the Fast of the Dormition Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God)

2. X Translation of the Relics of the Holy Archdeacon Stephen, the Protomartyr; Righteous Gamaliel; The right-believing sovereign Emperor, Justinian I the Great

3. ) Saint Heraclius the Confessor of Bessarabia; Venerable Isaac, Dalmatius, and Faustus; Holy Myrrh-bearer Salome; Venerable Theodora of Thessalonica

4. The Holy 7 Youths of Ephesus, Maximilian, Jamblicus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine), and Antoninus; Holy Martyr Thathuil

5. Forefeast of Transfiguration; ) Saint John Jacob of Neamt; Holy Martyr Eusignius; Venerable Nonna, the mother of St. Gregory the Theologian; Hieromartyr Fabian, Pope of Rome

6. (†) Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Fish Allowed)

7. ) VenerableTheodora of Sihla; ) Venerable Paphnutius-Parvu, the iconographer; Venerable Martyr Dometius of Persia; Hieromartyr Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem; Venerable Nicanorus

8. ) Holy Priest-Martyr Alexander of Bessarabia; St. Emilian the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus, and Myron, Archbishop of Crete

9. X) Holy Apostle Matthias; Holy 10 Martyrs, who suffered defending the wonderworking icon of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

10. Holy Martyr Laurence the Archdeacon; Hieromartyr Sixtus II, Bishop of Rome; Holy Martyr Hippolutus

11. ) St. Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople; Holy Martyr Euplus, the Archdeacon

12. Holy Martyrs Photius and Anicetus; Venerable Pallamon.

13. X) Leave-taking of the Transfiguration; Removal of the Relics of Venerable Maximus the Confessor; Venerable Dorotheus and Dositheus of Gaza

14. X Forefeast of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady and Mother of God; Holy Prophet Micah

15. (†) The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady and Mother of God (Fish Allowed)

16. Translation of the Image not made by hands (Acheiropoieta) of Jesus Christ from Edessa to Constantinople; ) Holy Martyrs King Constantin Brancoveanu, and his four sons Constantine, Stephen, Radu, Matthew, and his counsellor Ioannicius; ) Venerable Joseph of Varatec Monastery; Holy Martyrs Diomedes

17. ) St. George the Pilgrim; Holy Martyrs Myron the Priest, Straton and Cyprian

18. Holy Martyrs Florus and Laurus

19. Holy Martyrs Andrew Stratelates, Timothy, Agapius and Thecla

20. Holy Prophet Samuel; Holy Martyrs Severus, Heliodorus and Theocharis

21. Holy Apostle Thaddeus; Holy Martyrs Donatus the Deacon, Romulus the Priest, Silvanus the Deacon and Venustus; Holy Martyr Bassa and her sons

22. Holy Martyrs Agathonicus and his Companions

23. X) Leave-taking of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady and Mother of God; Holy Martyr Lupus; Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons

24. Hieromartyr Eutychius; St. Tation the Martyr

25. X Translation of the Relics of St. Bartholomew (Nathaniel) the Glorious Apostle; Holy Apostle Titus

26. Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia his wife

27. Venerable Pimen the Great; Holy Martyr Fanourios: St. Hosius, Bishop of Cordova

28. Venerable Moses the Ethiopian, of Scetis; Righteous Hezekiah; Venerable Joseph the Hesychast

29. (†) The Beheading of St. John the Baptist, Glorious Prophet and Forerunner (Fast in any day of the week)

30. ) St. Barlaam, Metropolitan of Moldova and John of Rasca and Secu, Bishop of Roman; St. Alexander, John and Paul the New, Archbishops of Constantinople

31. The Placing of the Honorable Sash of our Most Holy Lady and Mother of God; ) Venerable Father Macarius the Protopsaltis



This month has 30 days
The day has 12 hours and the night 12 hours



1. Beginning of Church Year (Service of Thanksgiving); Venerable Dionysius Exiguus (the Humble); St. Simeon Stylites, the Elder; Holy forty Virgin-martyrs at Heraclea in Thrace; Righteous Joshua

2. St. Mammas the Martyr; St. John the Abstainer, Patriarch of Constantinople

3. †) Venerable Neophyte and Meletios from Stanisoara Monastery; Hieromartyr Anthimus, Bishop of Nicomedea; Venerable Theoctistus of Palestine

4. Hieromartyr Babylas, Bishop of Antioch; Holy Prophet Moses; St. Petronius the Martyr

5. X Holy Prophet Zacharias and Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist, the Forerunner

6. X Commemoration of the Miracle Wrought by Archangel Michael in Colossae; St. Eudoxius the Martyr

7. The Forefeast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; Venerable Symeon and Amphilochius from Pangarati Monastery; St.Sozon the Martyr; Venerable Cassiana, the Hymnographer

8. (†) The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary(Fish Allowed)

9. X Holy & Righteous Ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna; ) Venerable Kyriakos from Tazlau; ) Venerable Onuphrius from Vorona;Holy Martyr
Severian; Holy Fathers of the 3rd Ecumenical Council in Ephesus

10. St. Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora the Martyrs

11. Venerable Theodora of Alexandria; Venerable Euphrosynos the Cook

12. (X) Leave-Taking of the Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary; St. Autonomus, Macedonius, and Theodulos the Martyrs

13. Forefeast of the Elevation of the Holy Cross; Consecration of the Church of the Holy Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre); ) Venerable John from Prislop; ) St. Macrobius, Gordianus, Elijah, Zoticos, Lucian şi Valerian, Martyrs of Dobrogea; Hieromartyr Cornelius the Centurion, Bishop of Caesarea-Palestine; Hieromartyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage

14. (†) Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross (Strict Fast)

15. ) St. Joseph the New of Partos, Metropolitan of Banat; Holy Great Martyr Niketas the Goth; St. Bessarion, Archbishop of Larissa (Wine and
Oil Allowed)

16. ) Confessor Saint Sofian of St. Anthimos Monastery; St. Euphemia the Great Martyr; St. Melitina and Ludmila the Martyrs

17. ) St. Dionysius Erhan, Bishop of Cetatea Alba and Ismail; St. Sophia and her three daughters: Faith (Pistis), Hope (Elpis) and Love (Agapis) the Martyrs

18. ) Holy Priest-Martyr Hilarion Felea; St. Eumenius, Bishop of Gortynia; St. Ariadne the Martyr

19. St. Trophimus, Sabbatius and Dorymedon the Martyrs

20. X St. Eustathius and his wife Theopistes with their two sons, Agapius and Theopistus, the Great Martyrs

21. X) Leave-Taking of the Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Giving Cross; St. Quadratus the Apostle; St. Jonah the Prophet

22. ) Hieromartyr Theodosius of Brazi Monastery, Metropolitan of Moldova; Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope

23. ) Conception of St. John the Baptist, the Forerunner; St. and Righteous Xanthippe & Polyxene

24. St. Thecla the Protomartyr & Equal to the Apostles; Venerable Silouan of Athos

25. St. Euphrosyne; Venerable-Martyr Paphnoutios of Egypt; Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

26. ) The Falling Asleep of St. John the Evangelist and Theologian; ) St. Voivode Neagoe Basarab, Price of Wallachia; Righteous Gideon

27. ) Holy Hierarch Martyr Anthim the Iberian, Metropolitan of Wallachia; St. Callistratus and Epicharis the Martyrs

28. Venerable Chariton the Confessor; St. Baruch the Prophet

29. X St. Cyriacus the Hermit; St. Petronia the Martyr

30. X St. Gregory the Illuminator, Bishop of Armenia; St. Rhipsima and Gaiana the Virgin Martyrs



This month has 31 days
The day has 11 hours and the night 13 hours


1. (†) Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God; St. Ananias the Apostle; St. Romanos the Melodist; ) Venerable Chiriac and Jeseph from Bisericani (Fish Allowed)

2. X Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Virgin Martyr Justina

3. X Hieromartyr Dionysios the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens; St. Theoctistus the Martyr

4. ) Holy Confessor Priest Dumitru Staniloae; Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens

5. Venerable Daniil and Misail from Turnu Monastery; St. Charitina the Martyr

6. X) Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas; St. Eroteis the Martyr

7. St. Sergius & Bacchus the Great Martyrs; Holy Martyrs Julian the Priest, Caesarius the Deacon, and Polychronios the Priest

8. St. Pelagia the Virgin of Antioch and Taisia the repentant courtesan of Egypt, the Martyrs

9. X) St. James the Apostle, son of Alphaeus; Venerable Andronicus and his wife Athanasia of Egypt

10. St. Eulampius and his sister Eulampia, the Martyrs; Venerable Bassian; St. Theophilus the Confessor

11. St. Philip the Apostle of the 70, one of the 7 Deacons; St. Theophanes the Confessor, Bishop of Nicaea

12. St. Probus, Andronicus, and Tarachus, Martyrs of Tarsus; St. Cosmas the Hymnographer, Bishop of Maiuma

13. The bringing of the relics of Saint Andrew the Apostle to Iasi; St. Carpus, Papylus, Agathodorus, Agathonica and Florentios, the Martyrs

14. ) Venerable Parascheva of Iasi; Holy Martyrs Nazarius, Gervasius, Protasius and Celsus 

15. St. Lucian the Martyr of Antioch

16. Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion

17. Holy Prophet Hosea; St. Andrew the Venerable-Martyr of Crete

18. X) St. Luke, the Evangelist; Holy Martyr Marinos the Elder

19. Holy Prophet Joel; St. Varys the Martyr; St. Cleopatra; Venerable John of Rilas

20. X St. Artemius the Great Martyr of Antioch; Venerable Gerasimus of Kefalonia

21. ) Venerable Confessors: Bessarion, Sophronius, Martyr Oprea; Priest-Confessors: John of Gales and Moses Macinic of Sibiel; St. Hilarion the Great

22. St. Abercius, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Wonderworker, Bishop of Hierapolis; Seven Holy Martyrs, Youths of Ephesus: Maximilian, Iamblicus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodianus and Antoninus

23. X) Holy Apostle James, the brother of Our Lord, first Bishop of Jerusalem; ) Holy Priest-Martyr Constantine Sarbu; Venerable Macarius the Roman

24. St. Arethas the Great Martyr; St. Mark, Sotiricus, and Valentinos, the Martyrs

25. St. Marcian and Maryrius, the Martyrs; St. Tabitha

26. ) Holy Great Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-streame

27. ) Venerable Demetrius the New, protector of Bucharest (whose relics are in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest); Holy Martyr Nestor

28. )St. Hyacinth, Metropolitan of Vicina (Wallachia); ) Venerable Teofana Basarab; Holy Martyrs Terrence, Eunice his wife and their seven children; Venerable Steven the Sabbaite; St. Firmilian, Bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia

29. Venerable-Martyr Anastasia of Rome; Venerable Abramius, and his niece, St. Mary of Mesopotamia

30. Hieromartyr Zenobius, Bishop of Aegae-Cilicia, and his sister Zenobia the Martyr; St. Cleopas of the 70 Apostles

31. St. Apelles, Stachys, Amplias, Urban, Aristobulus, and Narcissus of the 70 Apostles; Holy Martyr Epimachus



This month has 30 days
The day has 10 hours and the night 14 hours


1. X Cosmas and Damian the Holy Unmercenaries of Asia

2. Holy Martyrs Acindynos, Pegasios, Aphthonios, Elpidophoros, and Anempodistos

3. St. Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Priest, and Aeithalas the Deacon, Martyrs of Persia; Dedication of the Temple of the Holy Great Martyr George in Lydda

4. Venerable Joannicius the Great; Hieromartyr Nicander, Bishop of Myra and Hermias the Priest Martyr; Venerable George the Confessor, of Drama

5. St. Galaktion and his wife Episteme, the Martyrs of Emesa

6. X St. Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable Luke of Taormenium

7. Holy 33 Martyrs of Melitene; Venerable Lazarus the Wonderworker of Mt. Galesion

8. ) Synaxis of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, and the other Bodiless Powers 

9. ) Holy Hierarch Nectarius of Aegina, the Wonderworker; Holy Martyrs Claudius, Castor, Sempronian, and Nicostratus; Holy Martyrs Onesiphorus and Porphyrius of Ephesus; Venerable Matrona of Moscow

10. St. Olympas, Rodion, Sosipater, Erastus, Tertios and Quartus, Apostles of the 70; ) Venerable Martyr Bessarion of Lainici; St. Orestes the Martyr

11. Holy Great Martyr Menas of Egypt; Holy Martyrs Victor, Vincent, and Stephanie; Venerable Theodore the Studite

12. ) Holy Martyrs and Confessors of Nasaud, Athanasius Todoran of Bichigiu, Basil of Mocod, Gregory of Zagra, and Basil of Telciu; St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria; St. Nilus the Ascetic of Sinai

13. ) St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, and his mother St. Anthousa

14. )  St. Philip the Apostle, one of the 12; St. Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica (Last day before the Nativity Fast)

15. ) Venerable Paisios from Neamt; St. Guria, Shamuna, and Habib, Martyrs, and Confessors of Edessa (Beginning of the Nativity Fast)

16. X) St. Matthew the Apostle & Evangelist

17. St. Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neo-Caesarea and Gennadius, Archbishop of Constantinople; Venerable Lazarus the Iconographer

18. Holy Martyrs Plato, Romanus and Zaccheus

19. Holy Prophet Obadiah; St. Martyr Barlaam

20. Forefeast of the Presentation of the Mother of God into the Temple; ) Venerable Gregory of Decapolis; ) Holy Martyr Dasius of Durostorum; St.
Proclus, Archbishop of Constantinople

21. ) Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple (Fish Allowed)

22. Holy Apostles Philemon, Archippus, Onesimos, and Apphia; Holy Martyr Cecilia

23. ) Venerable Qnthony from Iezerul-Valcea; St. Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium and Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum

24. Hieromartyrs Clement, Bishop of Rome, and Peter, Bishop of Alexandria

25. Leave-taking of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple; St. Catherine the Great Martyr of Alexandria; St. Mercurius the Great Martyr of Caesarea in Cappadocia

26. Venerable Alypius the Stylite, Nicon and Stylianos of Paphlagonia

27. X St. James the Great Martyr of Persia; Venerable Nathaniel and Pinouphrios

28. ) Confessor Saint Arsenius of Prislop; Venerable-Martyr Stephen the New; St. Irenarchos the Martyr

29. Holy Martyrs Paramonus and Philumenus; Venerable Pitirim

30. ) Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, protector of Romania and of the United Kingdom) St. Andrew Saguna, Metropolitan of Transilvania; St. Froumentios, Bishop of Abyssina (Fish Allowed)



This month has 31 days
The day has 9 hours and the night 15 hours


1. Holy Prophet Nahum; St. Philaret the Merciful (National Day of Romania Service of Thanksgiving)

2. ) Saints Cleopas and Paisius of Sihastria; Holy Prophet Habakkuk; St. Myrope the Martyr; Venerable Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia; Saint Solomon, Archbishop of Ephesus

3. ) Venerable George of Cernica and Caldarusani; Holy Prophet Sophonias

4. St. Barbara the Great Martyr; Venerable John of Damascus

5. ) Venerable Sabbas the Sanctified

6. ) St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra (Fish Allowed)

7. ) St. Philothea of Arges, the Protectress of Romania; St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

8. Venerable Patapius; Holy Apostles Caesar, Tychicus and Onesiphorus

9. X) The Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Mother of God; Prophetess Hannah the mother of the Prophet Samuel

10. Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus

11. Venerable Daniel the Stylite of Constantinople and Luke the New Stylite of Chalcedon

12. ) St. Spyridon the Wonderworker of Trymithous

13. ) Holy Hierarch Dositheus, Metropolitan of Moldavia; Holy Great Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes; St. Lucia the Virgin Martyr of Syracuse

14. Holy Martyrs Thyrsus, Callinicus, Philemon, Apollonius

15. Hieromartyr Eleutherius, Bishop of Illyria; St. Anthis and Susanna, the Martyrs: Venerable Paul of Latros

16. Holy Prophet Aggaeus; St. Theophania the Empress

17. Holy Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Youths: Ananias, Azarias, and Misael

18. ) Venerable Daniel the Hesychast; St. Sebastian and Zoe, the Martyrs; Holy Hierarch Modestus, Archbishop of Jerusalem

19. St. Boniface the Martyr; St. Aglaia; St. Gregentius, Bishop of Ethiopia

20; X Forefeast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer, Bishop of Antioch; ) Saint Seraphim the Enduring of Sambata de Sus

21. Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia; St. Themistocles the Martyr

22. ) St. Peter Mogila, Metropolitan of Kiev; Great-martyr Anastasia

23. X Holy Ten Martyrs of Crete; St. Paul, Archbishop of Neo-Caesarea

24. Venerable-Martyr Eugenia (Eve of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ)

25. (†) The Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Christmas)

26. X) Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God; ) Venerable Nicodemus the Sanctified of Tismana; ) Holy Venerable Martyr Gerasimus of
(Fast free)

27. † Apostle and Protomartyr Stephen the Archdeacon; Venerable Theodore the Confessor

28. Holy 20.000 Martyrs burned in Nicomedia

29. The 14.000 infants (Holy Innocents) slain by Herod in Bethlehem; Venerable Marcellus, Abbot of the Monastery of the Unsleeping Ones and Thaddeus the Confessor

30. St. Anysia the Virgin Martyr of Thessalonica

31. Leave-taking of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; ) Holy Martyr Hermes; Venerable Melania of Rome (Service of the passing of the


UK national days


UK National Day
– May Day Bank Holiday – The anniversary of the Acts of Union, which occurred 1st of May, 1707

Englands National Day
Saint Georges Day, April 23

Scotlands National Day
Saint Andrews Day, November 30

Wales National Day
Saint David’s Day, March 1

Northern Irelands National Day
Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17