- Aylesbury
Parish: Holy Myrrh-Bearers (3rd Sunday of Easter)
- Address: Upton Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, HP17 8U
Parish Priest: Fr. Iulian Rusu
- Phone: +44 7447692550
- Email: iulian.rusu91@gmail.com
- Basildon
Parish: Holy Great Sovereigns Constantine and Helen, Equal to the Apostles (May 21)
- Address: 1 St John’s Way, Stanford le Hope, United Kingdom, SS17 7NA
- Website: www.parohiaortodoxabasildon.co.uk
- Email: basildon@roarch.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Bogdan Constantin Bălănescu
- Phone: +44 7726147853
- Email: bogdan.balanescu@roarch.org.uk
- Bedford
Parish: Holy Hierarch Joseph the Merciful, Metropolitan of Moldova and Saint Sophrony of Essex (January 26 and July 11)
- Address: The Parish Church of the Transfiguration, MK42 8BQ, Bedford, United Kingdom
- Website: parohiabedford.co.uk
- Email: Email: p.radu@parohiabedford.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Radu Constantin Amariei
- Phone: +44 7479470340
- Email: raduconstantin.amariei@yahoo.com
- Birmingham – West Midlands
Parish: Holy Apostle Andrew and Saint Nectarios of Aegina (November 30 and November 9)
- Address: St. Anthony Church, 57 Oakthorpe Drive, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6HY
- Website: www.parohiabirmingham.org.uk
- Email: birmingham@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Mihai Razvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Nicolae Ștefan Palade
- Phone: +44 7468 530311
- Email: manecuta_79@yahoo.com
Deacon: Ioan Valentin Damaschin,
- Phone +44 7400734621
- Email: ioandamaschin1990@gmail.com
- Boston
Parish: Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God (September 8)
- Address: Kirton Old Cemetery, Boston Road, Kirton, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 1ES
- Website: www.orthodoxboston.org.uk
- Email: boston@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Dumitru Catarig
- Phone: +44 7981027502
- Email: dumitru.catarig@gmail.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Mihai Augustin Popa
- Bracknell
Mission of Saint John Cassian and Saint John Maximovitch Parish – Oxford
- Address: Immaculate Conception Church, 63 Yorktown Rd, Sandhurst, GU47 9BS
- Website: www.sjcparish.uk
- Email: oxford@mitropolia.eu
Protos. Gavriil Marin
- Phone: +44 7976835953
- Email: i.gavriil@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Dragos Mihail Cazacu
- Phone: +44 7415238563
- Email: dragoscazacu@yahoo.com
- Bristol
Parish: Holy Great Sovereigns Constantine and Helen, Equal to the Apostles (May 21)
- Address: Thomas the Martyr, Thomas Lane, Bristol, BS1 6QR
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxaromanabristol.org.uk
- Email: bristol@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Ioan Claudiu Moldovan – Dean
- Phone: +44 7743785472
- Email: preotioan@bisericaortodoxaromanabristol.org.uk
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr Cătălin Mînăscurtă
- Phone +44 7512260120
- Email catalin19sh@yahoo.com
- Cambridge
Parish: Holy Apostle and Evangelist John (May 8)
- Address: St. Giles Church, Castle Street, Cambridge, CB3 0AQ
- Website: www.orthodoxcamro.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Dragos Herescu
- Phone: +44 7805972718
- Email: dch38@cam.ac.uk
Attached clergy
Deacon: Vasilică Moraru
- Phone: +44 7955946118
- Email: vasilicamoraru84@gmail.com
- Cambrigde 2
Parish: St. King & Martyr Edmund (November 20)
- Address: Little Abington,16 High Street, Cambridge, CB21 6BG
Parish Priest: Fr. Leonid Tăuleanu
- Phone: +44 7935401493
- Email: liliantauleanu69@gmail.com
- Camborne
Mission of Saint Parascheva Parish – Plymouth
- Address: All Saints Church, Roskear Tucking Mill, TR14 8DH, Camborne, Cornwall, UK
Serving Priest: Fr. Adrian Juganaru
- Phone: +44 7476946298
- Email: prjuganaru@yahoo.com
- Canterbury
Mission of St. Augustin, St. Daniel the Hesychast, and St. Sophrony the Athonite Hermitage – Canterbury
- Address: St. Peter’s Anglican Parish Church, 15 St. Peter’s Street, Canterbury, CT1 2BQ
- Website: www.schitulortodoxdinkent.com
- Email: schitulortodoxdinkent@gmail.com
Protos. Atanasie (Pauc)
- Phone: +44 7833842879
- Email: atanasies48@gmail.com
- Carlisle
Parish: Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God (September 8)
- Address: Blessed Christopher Robinson House, Lismore Place, Carlisle, CA11LZ
- Website: www.parohia-ortodoxa-carlisle.co.uk/
- Email: carlisle@roarch.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Andrei Brișcă
- Email: fr.andrei.brisca@roarch.org.uk
- Phone: +44 7488295268
- Chelmsford
Parish: Entrance Into Temple of The Mother of God (November 21)
- Address: St Andrew’s Church, 17 St Andrew Rd, Romford, RM7 9AT
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxaromford.org
Parish Priest: Fr. Cosmin Florin Mureșan
- Email: cosminmuresan@protonmail.com
- Phone: +44 7741759294
- Colchester – Essex
Parish: St John Maximovich (July 2)
- Address: Military Road, Colchester, Essex CO1 2AN
- Website: saintjohnsorthodoxchurch.com
- Email: frandrew_anglorus@yahoo.co.uk
Parish Priest: Andrew Phillips
- Phone: +44 7745298266
- Email: frandrew_anglorus@yahoo.co.uk
Attached clergy
Assistant priest: Ovidiu Ionuț Iana
- Phone: +44 7983204844
- Email: ovi.iana@yahoo.com
Deacon: Timothy Phillips
- Phone: +44 7527117282
- Email: timo_phillips@yahoo.com
Deacon: Sergiu Smântână
- Phone: +44 7940008211
- Email: tirix@hotmail.co.uk
- Coventry – Warwickshire
Parish: Saint Veronica (July 12) and Saint Irodion from Lainici (May 3)
- Address: Saint Anne and All Saints Church, Strathmore Avenue, Acacia Avenue Coventry, CV1 2AN, Warwickshire
- Website: www.parohiacoventry.co.uk
- Email: coventry@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Cornel Grecu
- Phone: +44 7942462238
- Email: eu_greco@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Ștefan Bogdan Topală
- Phone: +44 7341016841
- Email: stefan_topala@yahoo.com
- Crawley (Gatwick)
Parish: Holy Apostle Peter (June 29) and Saint John the Baptist (June 24)
- Address: Church Walk, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 1HH
- Website: www.bisericaromaneasca.co.uk
- Email: contact@bisericaromanesca.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Marian Efimov
- Phone: +44 7925044735
- Dagenham
Parish: Holy Great Martyr Minas (November 11)
- Address: Saint Martin’s Church, Goresbrook Road, Dagenham, RM9 6UX
Parish Priest (Servig Priest): Fr. Viorel Gavriloiu
- Phone: +44 7492877758
- Email: viorelgavriloiu@yahoo.com
- Doncaster
Mission: Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot (May 10) & Great-martyr Minas (November 11)
- Address: Bubup Hill, Loversall, Doncaster DN11 9DA
- Email: parohiaortodoxadoncaster@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Lucian Filip
- Phone: +447846044690
- Email: filiplucian85@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Damian Laurențiu Anton
- Phone: +44 7919944369
- Email: sirluke69@yahoo.com
- Durham
Parish: Holy Hierarch Cuthbert (March 20) and Venerable Bede (May 27)
- Address: Providence Row, Durham DH1 1RS
- Website: www.durhamorthodox.wordpress.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Justin Mihoc
- Phone: +44 7775561463
- Email: justin@mihoc.net
- Eastbourne
- Address: Catholic Church of St. Gregory, 251 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, BN20 8QY
Serving priest: Fr. Alin Lazăr Zegrean
- Telephone: +44 7490730906
- Email: zegrean.alin@gmail.com
- Evesham
Mission of Holly Apostle Andrew Parish – Birmingham, West Midlands
- Address: St. Anthony Church, 57 Oakthorpe Drive, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6HY
Serving Priest: Fr. Mihai Răzvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
- Exeter
Parish: Saint Olympias the Deaconess (July 25) and Holy Great Martyr John the New of Suceava (June 2)
- Address: St. Stephen’s Church, High Street Exeter, EX4 3LW
Parish Priest: Fr. Iulian Grigoruta
- Phone: +44 7469262827
- Email: grigoruta@yahoo.com
- Gloucester (Pending Parish)
Parish: (Pending Parish)
- Address: St. Katherine’s Hall, High Street, Ledbury, HR8 1DZ
- Website: parohialedbury.org.uk/
Parish Priest: TBD
- Contact: Fr. Mihai Răzvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
- Grays (Pending Parish)
Parish: Great Martyr Minas (November 11) and St Irenaeus of Sirmium (April 6)
- Address: Goresbrook Road, Dagenham, United Kingdom, RM9 6UX
Parish Priest: TBD
Serving Priest: Fr. Viorel Gavriloiu
- Phone: +447492877758
- Email: viorelgavriloiu@yahoo.com
- Guildford
Parish: Holy Hierarch Nicholas (December 6)
- Address: Bury St, Guildford
- Website: www.borguildford.co.uk/ro
- Email: rocguildford.saintnicholas@gmail.com
Parish Priest: TBD
- Phone: NA
- Email: NA
- Harlow
Parish: Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot (May 10) & Great-martyr Minas (November 11)
- Address: Pardon Lane Harlow CM202JB
- Email: bisericaortodoxaromanaharlow@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Maricel Murgu
- Phone: +44 7428202422
- Email: mmurgu703@gmail.com
- Ledbury
Parish: Saint Andrew of Crete (October 17) and Holy Martyrs and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian in Rome (July 1)
- Address: St. Katherine’s Hall, High Street, Ledbury, HR8 1DZ
- Website: www.parohialedbury.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Cosmin Vasile Savu
- Phone: +44 7522597646
- Email: frcosminsavu@yahoo.com
- Leeds – Yorkshire
Parish: Saint Macarius the Great (January 19)
- Address: Lawns Lane, Farnley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 5EZ
- Website: www.sfmacarie.org
- Email: sfmacarie@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Petru Ciprian Nedelcu
- Phone: +44 7467382255
- Email: nedelcupc@gmail.com
- Leeds II
University Chapel: Saint Gregory the Theologian (January 25)
- Address: Emmanuel Centre, Leeds, LS2 9JT
Serving Priest: Fr. Ephrem (David) Berryman
- Phone: +44 7856 895786
- Email: ephremdavid1@gmail.com
- Leicester
Parish: Saint Minas the Great Martyr (November 11)
- Address: Saint John Bosco Church Hall, 88 Pasley Road, LE2 9BU, Leicester
Parish Priest: Fr. Stefan Bogdan Topala
- Phone: +44 7341016841
- Email: stefan_topala@yahoo.com
- Liverpool
Parish: Saint Paisius Velichkovsky, Abbot of Neamț (November 15)
- Address: Town Lane, Bebington, Wirral CH63 5JF
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxaliverpool.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Florin Voinea
- Phone: +44 7533223328
- Email: father.florin@gmail.com
- London I
Parish: Holy Great Martyr and Victory-bearer George (April 23)
- Address: St. Dunstan’s in the West Church, 186a Fleet Street, London, EC4A 2HR
- Website: www.sfgheorghelondra.org.uk/en/
- Email: fr.constantin.popescu@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Constantin Popescu, Dean for London Deanery
- Phone: +44 7951246386
- Email: fr.constantin.popescu@gmail.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr Silviu-Petre Pufulete, Dean
- Phone: +44 7941134748
- Email: silviu.pufulete@gmail.com
Assistant Priest: Fr. Ioan Ovidiu Pop
- Phone: +44 7980022008
- Email: ovidiuioan_pop@yahoo.co.uk
Assistant Priest: Fr Nicolae Bulat, (Priest for Jersey Island)
- Phone: +44 7475 555642
- Email: nikolaibulat01@gmail.com
Assistant Priest: Fr. Ivan Constantin Sacalos
- Phone: +44 7447071754
- Email: svaniusa2105@gmail.com
Deacon: Mihai Cotargasanu
- Phone: +44 7743005803
- Email: m.cotirg@gmail.com
Deacon: Radu-Vasile Stoica
- Phone: +44 7544826235
- Email: raduvstoica@gmail.com
- London II – Kingsbury
Parish: Descent of the Holy Spirit (Day of Pentecost)
- Address: Saint Andrew, 28 Old Church Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 8RZ
- Email: londra2@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Ioan Sarpe
- Phone: +44 7507676858
- Email: ioansarpe@yahoo.com
- London III – Finchley
Parish: Holy Glorious Prophet Elijah (July 20)
- Address: 120 East End Road, East Finchley, London, N2 0RZ
- Website: www.parohialondranord.org
- Email: reluradulet@hotmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Aurel Dumitru Radulet
- Phone: +44 7501823667
- Email: reluradulet@hotmail.com
Attached clergy
Deacon: Sandu-Nicolaescu Aurel
- Phone: +44 7445225140
- Email: asandu.sn@gmail.com
- London IV – Borehamwood
Archdiocesan Chapel: Saint Parascheva (October 14)
- Address: St. John fisher & Thomas, 28 Rossington Avenue, Borehamwood, WD6 4LA
Protos. Serafim Pasca
- Phone: +44 7475068095
- Email: serafimpasca@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Bogdan Grigorean
- Phone: +44 7725551097
- Email: grigoreanbogdan@gmail.com
Deacon: Cezar Stefan Milea
- Phone: +44 7526849404
- Email: cezaralin@yahoo.com
Deacon: Marius Ilie
- Phone: +44 7401851994
- Email: ilie_marius@hotmail.com
- London V – Stratford
Parish: Holy Hierarch Nicholas (December 6)
- Address: St. Margaret with St Columba, Woodhouse Road, London E11 3NG
- Website: www.biserica.org.uk
- Email: ortodox.uk@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Eugen Darie
- Phone: +44 7733161262
- Email: eugendarie@yahoo.com
- London VI – Croydon
Parish: Holy Annunciation (March 25) and Holy Apostle James (October 22)
- Address: St. Peter’s Church Hall, 193 Bishopsford Rd, Morden, SM4 6BH
- Website: www.bunavestire.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Ioan Fodor
- Phone: +44 7773277714
- Email: prioanfodor@live.com
- London VII – East Ham
Parish: Holy Apostle Paul (June 29) and All Romanian Saints (2nd Sunday after Pascha)
- Address: St George and St Ethelbert’s Church Burford Road, East Ham, E6 3NQ
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxa.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Adrian Narita
- Phone: +44 7817229611
- Email: p_adrian_n@yahoo.co.uk
- London VIII – Colindale
Parish: Holy Hierarch Leontius of Radauti (July 1)
- Address: St. Matthias Church, Colindale, London, Rushgrove Avenue, NW9 6QY
Parish Priest: Fr. Grigore Daniel Pascu
- Phone: +44 7802898705
- Email: frpascu.grigore@gmail.com
- London IX – Loughton
Parish: Holy Glorious Demetrios the Myrrh-gusher (October 26)
- Address: St. Nicolas Church, Rectory Lane, Loughton (Debden Underground Station), East London, IG103RU
Parish Priest: Fr. Serghei Botizatu
- Phone: +44 7742832042 / +44 7551199397
- Email: sergiubotizatu@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Deacon: Alexandru Moncea
- Phone: +44 7426395336
- Email: dcn.alexandru.moncea@roarch.org.uk
- Londra X – Hounslow
Parish: Saint Parascheva (October 14) and Life-giving Spring (Friday in the Bright Week)
- Address: Our Lady, Queen of Apostles, 15 The Green, TW5 0RL
Serving Priest: Fr. Petrișor Pohrib
- Phone: +44 7379661279
- Email: fr.petrisor.pohrib@gmail.com
- Luton
Parish: Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John (June 24) and Saint Alban, First Martyr of Britain (June 22)
- Address: St. Matthew’s Church, Wenlock Road, Luton LU2 ONN
- Website: www.parohialuton.co.uk
- Email: p.ioan@parohialuton.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Ioan Nazarcu
- Phone: +44 7864113130
- Email: p.ioan@parohialuton.co.uk
Attached clergy
Deacon: Marius Chelmu
- Phone: +447980126103
- Email: chelmumarius@yahoo.com
- Manchester I
Parish: Three Holy Hierarchs (January 30)
- Address: Holy Innocents Church, 2 Wilbraham Road, Fallowfield, Manchester (M14 6JS)
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxamanchester.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Marius-Constantin Stavar
- Phone: +44 7741478175
- Email: fr.constantin.stavar@gmail.com
- Manchester II
Parish: Holy Trinity (Monday after Pentecost)
- Address: 2 Hall Moss Road, Manchester M9 7AT
- Email: 1holytrinitychurch@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Alexandru Visan
- Phone: +44 7729753549
- Email: fralexandruvisan@gmail.com
- Milton Keynes
Parish: Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Holy Virgin Martyr Justina (October 2)
- Address: St Martin’s Church, Watling Street/Aylesbury Street, Fenny – Stratford, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK2 2BU
- Website: www.ihtys.org
- Email: orthodoxromk@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Ciprian Burca
- Phone: +44 7476888036
- Email: fr.ciprian.burca@gmail.com
- Newcastle Upon Tyne
Parish: Holy Hierarch Nicholas (December 6)
- Address: Sunderland, Glanmore Road SR4 9PS
Parish Priest: Fr. Gheorghe Doru Andrisescu
- Phone: +44 7884783943
- Email: preotgeorge@yahoo.com
- Northampton
Parish: Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple (November 21)
- Address: Church St. Michael and All Angels, Perry Street, NN1 4HL
- Email: northampton@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr: Florin Simionca
- Phone: +44 7964810260
- Email: florinteo_miriam@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Ion Graur
- Phone: +44 7936 618638
Deacon: Silviu Rusu
- Email: silviurusu86@yahoo.com
- Phone: +44 7417513756
- Norwich
Parish: Holy and Glorious Martyr Philothea of Curtea de Arges (December 7) and Venerable Bede (May 27)
- Address: St. Mary’s Church, Church Road, Gillingham NR34 0ND
- Website: www.parohianorwich.org/ro
- Email: norwich@mitropolia.eu
Serving Priest: Fr. Ioan Ovidiu Pop
- Phone: +44 7980022008
- Email: ovidiuioan_pop@yahoo.co.uk
- Nottingham and East-Midlands
Parish: Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (June 29) and Holy Hierarch St. Spyridon of Tremithus (December 12)
- Address: 43-51 Cherry Orchard Mount, Bestwood, Nottingham, NG5 5TQ
- Website: www.nottingham-romanianparish.org.uk
- Email: nottingham@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Dan Petru Ghindea
- Phone: +44 7791769791
- Email: revd.ghindea@gmail.com
- Oxford
Parish: Saint John Cassian (February 29) and Saint John Maximovitch (July 2)
- Address: Becket Street, Oxford, OX1 1PP / https://goo.gl/maps/113xm
- Website: www.sjcparish.uk
- Email: oxford@mitropolia.eu
Protos. Gavriil Marin
- Phone: +44 7976835953
- Email: i.gavriil@yahoo.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Gabriel Hanganu
- Phone: +44 1865516844
- Email: gabhan7@gmail.com
Assistant Priest: Fr. Dragos Mihail Cazacu
- Phone: +44 7415238563
- Email: dragoscazacu@yahoo.com
Deacon: Andrei Constantin
- Phone: +44 7564042057
- Email: andrei.const@gmail.com
- Peterborough
Parish: Saint Gregory Palamas the Archbishop of Thessalonica (November 14)
- Address: Christ Church House, Benstead, Orton Goldhay, Peterborough, PE2 5JJ
- Email: ortodoxpbo@gmail.com
Serving Priest: Fr. Dumitru Catarig
- Phone: +44 7981027502
- Email: dumitru.catarig@gmail.com
Attached clergy
Assistant Priest: Fr. Mihai Augustin Popa
- Phone: +44 7481839642
- Email: fr.augustinmihaipopa@gmail.com
- Plymouth
Parish: Saint Parascheva (October 14)
- Address: 18 Colebrook Road Plympton, PL74AA, Plymouth, Devon, UK
- Email: plymouth@mitropolia.eu
Serving Priest: Fr. Adrian Juganaru
- Phone: +44 7476946298
- Email: prjuganaru@yahoo.com
- Preston
Parish: Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God (October 1) and Saint Silouan the Athonite (September 24)
- Address: Saint Luke and Saint Oswald, 70 Harewood Rd, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6XE
- Website: www.parohiapreston.org.uk
- Email: info@parohiapreston.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr. Ciprian Mihail Badin
- Phone: +44 7895600157
- Email: fr.ciprianbadin@parohiapreston.org.uk
Deacon: Radu Onofrei
- Telephone: +44 7870 610037
- Reading
Parish: Stylianos of Paphlagonia (November 26) and Great Martyr Katherine of Alexandria (November 25)
- Address: Holy Trinity Church, Oxford Road, Reading RG1 7NQ
- Website: www.ststylianos.org.uk
- Email: reading@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Ioan Mandu
- Phone: +44 7927077812
- Email: fr.john.mandu@gmail.com
Attached clergy
Deacon: Marius Picu
- Phone: +44 7594268169
- Email: marius.a.picu@gmail.com
- Rugby (Subsidiary of Saint Veronica and Saint Irodion from Lainici Parish – Coventry)
Mission: Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael (November 8)
- Address: St. John Church, Chapel Street, Long Lawfort, Rugby, CV23 9BB, Warwickshire
- Website: www.parohiacoventry.co.uk/filia-rugby
Parish Priest: Fr. Cornel Grecu
- Phone: +44 7942462238
- Email: eu_greco@yahoo.com
- Slough
Parish: Holy Annunciation (March 25) & St. Aidan of Lindisfarne (August 31)
- Address: 42 Clive Ct, Chalvey SL1 2SH, UK
Parish Priest: Fr Dorin Păsăilă
- Phone: +447870446679
- Email: frdorinpasaila@gmail.com
- Southampton
Parish: Holy Hierarch Calinic from Cernica (April 11)
- Address: Holy Trinity Church, Millbrook Road,West, Sothampton, SO15 0JZ
- Website: www.saintcalinicfromcernica.org.uk
- Email: sfcalinicdelacernica@gmail.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Ovidiu Semerean
- Phone: +44 7703671507
- Email: ovi76sem@yahoo.com
- Stafford (Pending Parish)
Parish: (Pending Parish)
- Address: St. Anthony Church, 57 Oakthorpe Drive, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6HY
Parish Priest: TDB
- Contact: Fr. Mihai-Răzvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
- Stanford-le-Hope
Mission of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God and Saint John Jacob the Romanian from Hozeva Archdiocesan Chapel – London IV
- Address: St. John the Evangelist, St John’s Way, Corringham, Stanford-le-Hope SS17 8WU
Serving Priest: Fr. Bogdan Constantin Balanescu
- Phone: +44 7726147853
- Email: bogdan.balanescu@roarch.org.uk
- Stoke on Trent and Crewe
Mission of the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God and Saint Silouan the Athonite Parish – Preston
- Address: The Vicarage, Church St, Chesterton, Newcastle ST5 7HJ
Serving Priest: Fr. Ciprian-Mihail Badin
- Phone: +44 7895 600157 / +44 1772462982
- Swindon
Mission of Saint John Cassian and Saint John Maximovitch Parish – Oxford
- Address: St. Augustin Church, Summers Street, Swindon SN2 2HA
- Website: www.sjcparish.uk
- Email: oxford@mitropolia.eu
Protos. Gavriil (Marin)
- Phone: +44 7976835953
- Email: i.gavriil@yahoo.com
- Taunton
Parish: Monastic Martyrs Epictetus & Astion (July 8)
- Address: Holy Trinity Church, 15 Trinity Street, Taunton TA1 3JG
Serving Priest: Fr. Ioan Claudiu Moldovan – Dean
- Phone: +44 7743785472
- Email: claudiumoldovan77@yahoo.co.uk
- Telford (Pending Parish)
Parish: (Pending Parish)
- Address: St. Anthony Church, 57 Oakthorpe Drive, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6HY
Parish Priest: TDB
- Contact: Fr. Mihai-Răzvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
- Walsall
- Address: Woods Methodist Church, Wednesbury WS10 0TT
Parish Priest: Fr. Stefan Mircea
- Phone: +44 7400547995
- Email: stefanmirc@yahoo.com
- Watford
Parish: Saint Joseph the Confessor of Maramures (April 24)
- Address: The Scroll Church, The Harebreaks, Watford WD24 6NF
- Website: www.bisericaortodoxawatford.com
Parish Priest: Fr. Florin Daniel Marc
- Phone: +44 7749226084
- Email: fr.daniel.marc@gmail.com
- Winchester
Parish: Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6)
- Address: Chapel of the University of Winchester, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4NR
- Website: www.orthodoxwinchester.com
- Email: winchester@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Ovidiu Semerean
- Phone: +44 7703671507
- Wolverhampton
Parish: Saint John of Wallachia (May 12)
- Address: 24 Merridale St W, Wolverhampton WV3 0RJ
Parish Priest: Fr. Stefan Florescu
- Phone: +44 7392004662
- Email: stefan.preot@gmail.com
- Worcester (Pending Parish)
Parish: (Pending Parish)
- Address: Holy St. Anthony Church, 57 Oakthorpe Drive, Kingshurst, Birmingham, B37 6HY
Parish Priest: TDB
- Contact: Fr. Mihai-Răzvan Novacovschi
- Phone: +44 7702051543
- Email: fr.mihai@hotmail.com
- Jersey Island (Self-Governing British Crown Dependency)
Parish: Mission
- Address: St. Luke’s Church, La Route du Fort, St. Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7PA
- Email: jersey@mitropolia.eu
Parish Priest: Fr. Nicolae Bulat
- Phone: +447475555642
- Email: nikolaibulat01@gmail.com